Help my hair fluff!

It's autumn. In terms of temperature, we don't notice much of it yet. But you often notice a difference in skin and hair in season. Hair fluffs faster and the skin feels drier. Because we often get the question which products are suitable to make hair less frizzy. And because you can do more than just use 'anti-frizz' products, this blog. With more background about frizzy hair and tips to reduce and prevent frizz. Enjoy reading! If you have questions, let them know .

Why does one hair fluff more than the other?
Fluffy hair Fluffy hair is caused by external influences. Whether or not your hair fluffs depends on the hydration of your hair. Well hydrated hair frizz less. Hair with wavy, curly and frizzy hair often fluffs earlier, because it is naturally drier. This is due to the hair structure. The hair follicle of curly hair is curved, so that natural scalp oil / sebum is not evenly distributed over the hair. The sebum of your scalp provides hydration, among other things.

How is it possible that in humid weather the hair fluffs more?
Hair consists of several layers, each of which absorbs water. However, each layer expands in a different way, allowing hair to bend to different sides, creating 'fluff'. Hair that is already well hydrated absorbs less water. This will make it less frizzy.

What can I do to prevent/reduce frizz?

Don't wash your hair too often
    A tip most hair gurus give! Even the gurus who have launched a hair care line. Water dries her out. Totally hot water. This may sound odd since we just mentioned that poorly moisturized hair is more prone to frizz. But by washing the hair (often) too (warm), you rinse away the protective sebum layer around your hair, causing her to lose moisture faster. And thus dries out. A number of shampoo ingredients also affect the natural protective layer of your hair.

    Use a shampoo without foaming agents - sulfates such as SLS and SLES

    These wash clean, but dry out your hair. And are also hormone disruptors and skin irritants. And really, the amount of foam doesn't determine how clean your hair gets! Note: Cocamidapropyl Betaine - a foaming agent that may be used in natural shampoos - is also a skin irritant to which many people react. If you are in doubt about the ingredients of your shampoo, show them to INDISHA in the store or via a photo. We will inform you whether there are questionable ingredients or not. In our shop you will find a number of shampoos with only good ingredients for your hair .

    Give your hair a coconut oil mask regularly

      Hair gurus often recommend an oil cure, which you then rinse with shampoo. Coconut oil (extra virgin) is, according to experts, the only oil that penetrates into the hair core and thus hydrates and nourishes from the inside. Let the oil become liquid (do not heat above 40 degrees to keep the active substances intact), massage into your scalp and hair. If necessary, comb your hair with a wide wooden comb to distribute the oil evenly. Leave on with a bath cap, foil or towel for about 20 minutes to at least an hour or overnight (depending on your type of hair and its condition). And wash off with shampoo. Apply a conditioner afterwards if necessary.

      Olive oil cure

      A tip from ELLE. I haven't tried this one myself yet: heat 4-5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (to body temperature), massage into your hair and step into the shower to rinse. Maximum once a week.

        Use a conditioner and/or serum for your hair

        This nourishes, hydrates and protects your hair. For example

        • Argan oil helps against frizzy hair. It removes fluff and cares for and nourishes your hair. The oil comes from Morocco, where people often naturally have thick hair that can frizz quickly. If you have very straight, thin hair, the oil may be 'too heavy' for your hair.
        • After showering, you can also massage some extra virgin coconut oil into your ends.
        • The Haarkur from OLIEBE is a fine conditioner. Tip from the hairdresser for my daughters with frizzy hair; apply to damp hair and do not rinse.
        • Saar Soleares shampoo and OLIEBE shampoo are so caring that you often don't even need a conditioner anymore. Or only in winter.

          Pat your hair dry

          Or wrap a towel around your hair and let it dry. Rubbing damages your hair structure, making your hair fluff faster. Of course you can also let your hair air dry.

            Do not damage your hair with brushing or combing

            Wet hair is more flexible and damages faster. For curly hair, use a special brush that reduces frizz. Comb curly hair in the shower with a very wide wooden comb, but first apply a conditioner and comb with the conditioner still in your hair. The following applies to every hair type: use a comb with the teeth set far apart. This prevents your hair from breaking.

              Use hair care products without silicones

              Silicones coat your hair, making it feel nice and smooth, shine and look healthy. And no fluff! However, silicones are difficult to wash out of your hair, so that some remains in your hair and your hair becomes heavy. They also close off your scalp, which is not really healthy. For example, it prevents natural sebum production. And that sebum is necessary to protect your hair. So that it fluffs less quickly.

              Avoid hair care products with - high concentration - hard alcohol

              Ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol. This degreases / dries out your hair. If hard alcohol is one of the first ingredients on the ingredient list of a product, then the product consists largely of this ingredient. Soft alcohol is a natural alcohol from, for example, coconut oil; Cetyl alcohol, Stearyl alcohol and Cetearyl alcohol. These have a soothing, moisturizing effect.

              Avoid hot blow dryers, straighteners

              Heat dries out. If you use the straightener, first apply a layer of coconut oil to protect your hair. 180-240 degrees of heat on your hair is not nothing. And make sure you don't style for too long. The longer the contact with the hot tongs, the more lint. Set the hair dryer to the cold setting and keep it about 10 cm from your hair.

              Get your hair cut, not cut & Treat it (not too often) chemically

              Cutting seems to cause more frizz because it damages the hair ends. Chemical treatments damage your hair, causing it to dry out faster and therefore fluff.

              Useful products from our range. Searched and found in our search for pure hair products that work. Also for children.

              • Pure shampoos that work. Without silicones, SLES or SLS foaming agent or other skin-irritating ingredients, synthetic preservatives, fragrances or dyes.
              • Saar's organic handmade hair elixir controls and prevents frizz. Made from an ancient traditional Italian recipe that has been used generation after generation for beautiful, healthy shiny hair.
              • OLIEBE is an organic hair care and styling line developed by a hairdresser. With beautiful anti fluff coconut cream. OLIEBE products may not be sold via the webshop, but may be sold in the physical store in Bussum. If you are interested, let us know .
              • dr Hauschka has an organic hair oil that helps against frizzy hair, a hair lotion to strengthen hair & scalp. And which can serve as a natural hairdryer strengthener (to prevent fluff). Dr Hauschka's conditioner helps strengthen dry, damaged, brittle hair.
              • Children's hair can fluff too! I know from experience with two daughters with half frizzy hair ;-). Klee kids has an enchanting organic conditioner that prevents frizz, with argan oil, coconut oil and mango butter. And a magic leave in anti-tangle and conditioner in one .

              Sources : ELLE blog,,, natural skin care blog