Ayurveda and skin care

An update of the blog from 2018. You have probably heard about the Ayurvedic types Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Do you know that Ayurveda is an ancient science from India. And do you know the Ayurveda based PUKKA & Yogi tea.

Because the INDISHA range secretly has quite a few brands with Ayurvedic influences or have even been developed from Ayurvedic teachings, time for a blog with some more background information. And explain which type of skin care suits your Ayurvedic constitution.

History Ayurveda in brief
Ayurveda is the contraction of the words Ayur (life, life principle) and Veda (knowledge, science). And can thus be translated as 'knowledge or science of life'. How can you live a long, healthy and happy life, achieve your life goals and mean something to others and the world at the same time? According to experts, Ayurvedic teachings originated in India approximately 3000-5000 years ago. Based on ancient - partly medical - texts in Sanskrit. Ayurvedic teachings assume that everything in the universe (including nature and man) consists of the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Ayurveda and health
According to Ayurvedic teachings you are born with a certain constitution: a specific balance between the three 'doshas' Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each of these doshas consists of a combination of one or more of the five elements. And determines your physique, constitution, certain character traits, behavior, but also your predisposition to certain diseases. Vata - air & space, Pitta - fire & water, Kapha - water & earth.

Due to all kinds of disruptive factors, your birth constitution is quickly brought out of balance. Ayurvedic teachings are aimed at maintaining and restoring balance as much as possible. A wide range of 'tools' are used for this purpose, such as nutrition, exercise, supplements, oral hygiene, cleansing treatments, yoga & meditation, respiratory therapy, aromatherapy, sound therapy, massages, seasonal routine. Read more on Ayurveda.nl.

What constitution do you have?
Are you curious about your Ayurvedic constitution? On the web you can find all kinds of tests that answer this question. These tests often result in a (predominant) dosha. However, our constitution is a balance of several doshas. If you want to have your (birth) constitution properly determined, visit an Ayurvedic doctor. Some tests:

Constitution, skin type and care

Below is a schematic representation of the three Ayurvedic doshas, ​​associated skin image, typical imbalance characteristics for the relevant skin image and what to do in terms of skin care to bring the skin back into balance.

Does your constitution change as you get older?
You often notice that as your skin ages you need more hydrating, richer products. However, your Ayurvedic constitution does not change. For example, the skin of someone with a predominant Pitta constitution remains sensitive to redness and inflammation.

However, your skin becomes thinner and drier and loses elasticity and firmness as it ages. Additional products that suit your skin image (e.g. masks or an oil) or other use of products (e.g. a little oil in your day cream, a little more serum/toner, more often a mask or cure, targeted nutricosmetics) can then offer a solution. As well as specific anti-aging treatments.

Ayurveda and INDISHA

  • Ayurvedic brands and products in the INDISHA range: Shankara - skin care, Khadi - hair coloring, Maharishi Ayurveda - toothpaste, Pukka and Yogi tea
  • With the Ayurvedic skin care brand Shankara we offer Ayurvedic facials .
  • We also provide Ayurvedic massages . Based on your constitution, a matching oil is used.
  • Often people think that the name INDISHA has an Ayurvedic origin. That is not the case. The name is a combination of the names of founder Jeanine's daughters: Indiara and Aïsha. From the thought that if they later buy their own cosmetic products, it is quite normal that they are pure, without questionable ingredients. That is an Ayurvedic thought - not only thinking about yourself, but also about the world around you.

    Wikipedia, ayurveda.nl, shankara.com, srisriayurveda.nl, ayurveda-test.nl