Fluffy hair? 9 tips that work!

9 tips against frizzy hair that work

Why does your hair become frizzy? And what really helps against frizzy hair? We have collected the best tips for you. Tested in practice! Because with three bunches of curly hair in our home, we are anti-frizz experts.

What causes frizzy hair?

Well-hydrated hair is the magic word for frizz-free hair. Frizz is caused by the fact that your hair cuticles (your outer layer of hair) are not closed properly, but are open. This causes your hair to lose moisture and become dry. Your hair tries to absorb moisture from outside, which makes it frizzy.

That may sound contradictory, because well-hydrated hair is less frizzy. But moisture absorption from the outside works differently than hydration from within.

Hair building | 9 tips against frizzy hair that work | INDISHA

Hair consists of different parts, each of which absorbs water and therefore expands. However, each part expands in a different way, allowing it to bend in different directions. This is how 'fluff' is created. Hair that is already well hydrated has a more closed (smoother, less rough) structure. And therefore absorbs less water. This will make it less frizzy.

Why does curly hair frizz more quickly?

Straight, curly and frizzy hair frizzes more quickly because it is naturally drier. This is due to the hair structure.

Hair shapes | 9 tips against frizzy hair | INDISHA

The hair follicle of curly hair is bent, which means that natural scalp oil/sebum is not evenly distributed throughout the hair. The sebum from your scalp ensures that your hair remains well hydrated. By placing a protective layer on the hair. And to ensure that your skin itself does not lose too much moisture. If your skin loses moisture, there is less left to hydrate your hair from within.

9 tips against frizzy hair

1. Wash in moderation

When you wash your hair, you wash (part of) the natural protective sebum layer of your hair. This causes it to lose moisture faster. And therefore frizz faster.

Do not wash with water that is too hot. This opens your hair cuticles. And you lose moisture. Lukewarm water is best. If necessary, you can rinse your hair with cold water to close the hair cuticles again.

After shampooing, use a conditioner or massage a hair oil into your hair. This way you ensure that hair cuticles that are open close again. And thus be better protected.

2. Shampoo without sulfates or harsh alcohol

Sulfates include foaming agents SLS, SLES and ALS. They ensure that your shampoo foams nicely. And is distributed well over your hair. In addition to dirt, they also wash away the protective sebum layer. From your hair and your scalp. Which dries out your hair. Resulting in frizzy hair.

Irritation can also occur on your scalp. Because it is less well protected against negative external influences.

By the way, it is a myth that a lot of foam is needed to wash your hair clean. Most natural shampoos foam a lot less than non-natural ones. But wash your hair perfectly clean.

Alcohol and frizzy hair

Harsh alcohol dries out your hair (and skin) and thus causes frizzy hair. Soft alcohol is a fatty alcohol. This actually retains moisture and is therefore great for your hair.

Examples of hard alcohol are: alcohol denat (denatured alcohol) or alcohol SD, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol.

Soft alcohols are: ethyl alcohol, cetearyl alcohol, myristyl alcohol and behenyl alcohol.

3. Oil mask

The hair gurus' tip to 'wash' your hair. Hydrate, nourish and care for your (fluffy) hair with an oil mask. And wash it off with a shampoo. The oil replenishes the protective layer around your hair. This way your hair retains moisture better. You can wash out too much oil. Does your hair frizz easily? Then use an oil mask once a week.

Hair oil is also very suitable for daily maintenance. You can use this on both wet and dry hair. You only need a few drops each time! Too much oil makes your hair greasy.

Apply the oil only to your ends. Or at least 10 cm away from your hair roots (so you don't get a greasy scalp). Do you have curly hair? Then squeeze the oil into your hair. Don't rub, that causes frizz.

Suitable oils are

  • Almond oil
  • Argan oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Olive oil
  • (Black) castor oil

Our favorite for an oil mask is a blend of coconut oil, olive oil and black castor oil.

4. Silk, satin or bamboo bonnet

Silk Satin bonnet | 9 tips against frizzy hair that work | INDISHA

Silk, satin or bamboo minimizes friction between your hair and pillow. This prevents splitting and breakage of your hair. And thus helps your hair retain moisture. Cotton has coarser fibers than silk, satin or bamboo. The friction with your hair causes frizz and broken, split ends.

Sleep with a silk, satin or bamboo bonnet/nightcap or on a pillow made of one of these materials.

Cotton satin is gentler on your hair than cotton, but rougher than pure satin. So less effective against frizzy hair.

Don't have a satin or silk pillowcase or bonnet (yet)? Put your hair in a braid while sleeping. This way you have less friction with your pillowcase.

5. Comb or brush properly

Correct combing | 9 tips against frizzy hair that work | INDISHA

Combing or brushing can damage your hair. This makes it easier to lose moisture. And frizz faster. If you use a comb, use a wooden one with the teeth well apart. This way you prevent your hair from breaking.

Most plastic brushes make your hair static, making it frizzier. A natural brush prevents this.

Brush or comb before you shower. This way you distribute the natural skin oils over your hair. This provides better protection against moisture.

Wet hair is super fragile and damaged or broken quickly. Do you want to comb or brush wet hair? Only do this with a special detangler brush for wet hair or a coarse wooden comb.

Do you have curly hair? According to the Curly Girl Method, combing with your fingers is the way to comb your hair. Do you still want to comb with a tool? Use a wooden very wide comb or a special detangler brush. And brush/comb your hair wet or in the shower (this only applies to curly hair). Preferably put conditioner in your hair first, so that your hair is more closed and less likely to be damaged.

Brush or comb a maximum of twice a day. Damaged or curly hair, preferably less. And always brush or comb gently.

6. Silicone free hair care

Silicones in hair care initially give beautifully smooth hair without frizz. This is because they coat your hair. The disadvantage of most silicones is that they are difficult to dissolve in water. And it is therefore difficult to wash them out of your hair. They stick in your hair and on your scalp. And thus build up a layer.

Clogging your scalp and hair strands, making it harder for natural hair oils or care products to reach your hair. Your hair dries out under the silicone layer. This results in brittle and frizzy hair.

In addition to these silicones, there are also water-soluble and volatile silicones. The latter evaporate a few hours after you apply them. They temporarily improve your hair. However, these silicones are harmful to the environment and banned by the EU.

Besides providing a smooth layer, silicones do not add anything healthy to your hair, like a natural oil does, for example.

Silicone is also not really environmentally friendly in terms of production. And need about two years to break down in the environment.

7. Pat your hair dry

You probably guessed it, rubbing your hair dry causes damaged hair. So pat it dry or wrap a soft towel around your hair. And then let your hair air dry further.

Preferably use a bamboo towel. It is gentler on your hair than one made of cotton. A hydrophilic cloth or (old) T-shirt is also possible.

8. No chemical treatment

Perming, chemical dyeing. It dries out your hair. And thus creates fluff. Fortunately, hair coloring can also be done without damaging it. Natural powder hair colorings such as Khadi color and care for your hair!

Fortunately, there are more and more hairdressers who dye naturally. The hairdressing brand OLIEBE is a pioneer in the field of natural hair coloring. Hairdressers in the Netherlands who dye with OLIEBE can be found here . OLIEBE hairdressers in Belgium can be found here.

9. Avoid heat

Heat dries out your hair. Hairdryer, curling iron or straightener are not exactly your anti-frizz friends. If you blow-dry your hair, use the cold setting.

Your hair straightener at 180 to 240 degrees does not mean much good for your hair. Do you still want to style your hair? Use a temperature lower than 180 degrees and style a maximum of two to three times a month - say the experts. Our experience at home is that the hair did not improve after any straightening.

Never style, blow-dry or curl wet hair. If your hair is dry (and frizzy), it is better to avoid the curling iron, hot hairdryer or straightener altogether.

Other factors

Hormones, stress, nutrition and medication also influence the hair. If you have followed all the above tips and your hair is still frizzy, investigate whether one of these four factors could play a role.