De huid op je wangen toont kleine zichtbare rode adertjes. Vaak een soort netwerk van fijne rode 'lijntjes'.
Je huid is vaak rood en voelt droog of trekkerig aan. Je huid 'slurpt' verzorgingsproducten op. Ook de rest van je huid - bijvoorbeeld je handen voelen meestal droog aan. Kan schilfertjes vertonen of eczeem. Meestal fijne porien.
Je huid voelt continue trekkerig aan. Kan schilfertjes vertonen of zelf droogte pukkeltjes krijgen hierdoor. Meestal is je huidbeschermingslaagje beschadigd.
Je huid heeft een glimmende T-zone en enigszins droge wangen. En vertoont onzuiverheden.
Je t-zone is vet, je wangen/jukbeendere juist rood en/of droog. En kunnen trekkerig aanvoelen. De porien van je T-zone zijn mogelijk wat vergroot.
Je huid reageert snel op zon, kou, stress, wind, temperatuurverschil. Kan gespannen en kriebelig aanvoelen en rode vlekken vertonen.
Niet gevoelig, niet schraal of trekkerig, geen roodheid, geen pukkeltjes, geen vette T-zone. Fijne porien. Voelt zacht & soepel aan. Makkelijk te verzorgen.
Je huid is minder strak en vertoont fijne lijntjes en eventueel diepere rimpels. Doordat je huid sneller vocht verliest, voelt deze vaak droger aan.
Een toner zorgt voor extra hydratatie van je huid + zorgt dat de werkstoffen van je creme sneller & beter door je huid opgenomen worden. En zo beter hun werk kunnen doen.

A gift for yourself or to let someone else try Dr Hauschka. When purchasing a dr Hauschka day cream (with the exception of the Regeneration line) you will receive a mini of 5 ml of the same day cream as a gift. Worth €4.95 or €5.50. While supplies last.

Do you want to give the mini as a gift? Check below which cream suits which skin type.

      Which day cream suits which skin?

      Which skin image do you recognize yourself in? Or the skin of the person you want to give a mini cream to? Check it out in the chart below. And then look in the 2nd overview which dr Hauschka cream is most suitable for your / this skin. Click on the link of the product to go to the product.

      Skin image Characteristics
      Normal skin Not sensitive. Feels soft & supple, Not dry or tight. Little to no impurities. Usually fine pores. Easy to care for.
      Mixed skin Your skin has an oilier T-zone (forehead, nose, chin) and dry skin on the cheeks. The pores of the T-zone are often somewhat larger.
      Mixed. sensitive skin Like the combination skin, but red (dry) (spots on your) cheeks.
      Dry skin (low fat) Your skin feels dry, tight. Not only the skin on your face, but also the rest of your body. And 'slurps up' care products. No impurities. May show flakes or eczema. Fine pores.
      Dehydrated skin Often combined with oily skin. Your skin feels tight all the time. May show flakes. Often looks dull. May even have pimples, but from dryness. Your skin's protective layer is damaged.
      Sensitive skin Sensitive to stress or weather changes, sun, cold, wind. Often tight after washing. Often red spots. May be scaly and feel itchy or burning.
      Couperose skin The skin of your cheeks shows small red visible veins (like a network of fine red lines).
      Ripe skin Your skin feels less tight and shows fine or deeper wrinkles. Often also feels drier, because your skin's protective layer works less well, causing you to lose moisture.

      Skin image

      Day cream + mini

      Must Have Set

      Normal skin


      Normal skin

      Mixed skin

      Liquid Day Cream Balancing

      Gem/sensitive skin

      Combination, sensitive skin


      Gem/sensitive skin

      Dry skin (low fat)


      Dry skin

      Dehydrated skin

      Liquid Day Cream Activating

      Sensitive skin

      Sensitive skin

      Rose Cream Light

      Sensitive skin


      Liquid Day Cream Soothing

      Sensitive skin

      Mature skin


      Mature skin

      Would you also like to try the cleaner & lotion?

      For an optimal effect, our advice is also to use a pure cleaner and toner / lotion. The lotion provides extra hydration - your skin feels less tight. Which your skin can use well during the autumn / winter months. Add one of the handy & affordable dr Hauschka Must Have sets to your order. So that you can immediately try out the cleaner and toner. The link to the set that matches your day cream can be found in the schedule above.