DIY tips from our pedicure - beautiful feet

From our pedicure Lody a number of foot care tips for at home. To keep/get your feet as soft as possible. Did you know that healthy feet are related to the energy level of your body? Not surprising if you know that your meridians end in your feet. Another reason to take good care of them ;-).

Scrub your feet once a week

This is how you remove dead skin cells. Your feet immediately feel a lot softer and smoother. Do you have time & do you like to make your own beauty products, then make your own scrub from Dead Sea and / or Himalayan salt , oil and possibly essential oil from eucalyptus and mint. If you're already getting stressed out from the idea of ​​making it yourself, don't worry. There are super nice customer and ready (professional) alternatives. Like the biological scrubs from Botanical Beauty.

Eucalyptus mint , lavender , rose or calendula . We use this in the salon. An additional advantage of scrubbing is that the blood flow in your feet is stimulated. The oil in the scrub nourishes the skin and immediately gives it a protective layer.

Foot pampering tip: remove the scrub from your feet with a warm slightly damp cloth. Your feet love that. And give your feet a nice foot massage after the scrub. A nice massage oil for the feet is the Shankara Foot Oil or Botanical Beauty Eucalyptus Mint oil.

Foot bath

If you want to pamper your feet completely, make a foot bath before you scrub. Your feet will become clean and softer. Dead Sea, Himalayan salt or Epsom salt detoxify immediately. WestLab has beautiful bath salts with essential oils that care and at the same time have an aromatherapeutic effect. For example, Recover or Cleanse . In the salon we often use Dr Hauschka's multifunctional Sage bath for foot baths. This warms or invigorates and restores swollen feet. With regular use, the bath prevents calluses and regulates sweaty feet.

Tip: Do you also want to remove calluses? Do this before the foot bath & scrub. When your feet are dry.

Soft feet - remove calluses

Calluses are caused by a lot of friction or pressure on an area on the foot. For example, by wearing too small, constricting shoes. Lots of walking in high heels. Or sports where you put a lot of pressure on your feet. More skin cells are produced than die on the skin surface, they accumulate. With dry skin, calluses are formed faster. Even with extremely sweaty feet.

As well as with the pedicure with the special pedicure device, it is usually impossible to remove calluses at home. But with the following tips to remove calluses & perhaps even more convenient - to prevent - you will go a long way.

If you want to remove calluses , do this when your feet are dry. So do not soak your feet in water first. That makes removal more difficult. Remove with a pumice stone or foot file. If you really have a very thick, stubborn layer of calluses, use a callus grater. Be careful with it! You can remove calluses, but you prefer to keep the skin on your feet whole ;-).

Soft feet - prevent calluses

If your feet are finally without calluses after a lot of scrubbing with the pumice stone, it is nice to keep it that way. You can (partly) prevent calluses by drying your feet well after showering, bathing or washing your feet. And every evening to rub your feet with a good foot cream or balm . Without paraffinum liquidum or petrolatum. Cheap residuals from the oil industry. These put a layer on your skin, which closes the skin. Your skin can no longer perform its own protective function and becomes drier and drier under that layer. Natural foot care products support the skin's own functions. Not sexy, but effective; At night after applying your foot cream, put on thin (cotton) socks so that the cream can work properly.

Walking barefoot is wonderful, but especially on a hard floor this can cause calluses. Save your barefoot moments for the beach, garden or other soft surface.

Don't forget - your cuticles

The basis for beautiful nails are well-groomed cuticles. Don't forget to take care of these. Massage a little cuticle oil onto your cuticles. And then gently push them backwards with a 'goat's leg'. This will give your nail a nice shape. Both Pinks Boutique and Dr Hauschka have special cuticle oils. But you can also use a drop of cosmetic argan oil , for example.

Buck legs wood

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Do not hesitate to contact us . We are happy to advise you!