Power women; founders of natural cosmetics brands

Power Women | INDISHA Cosmetic Brands

Did you know that the brain behind many of our brands is a woman? Who often developed a brand out of frustration, because they themselves did not find what they were looking for: high-quality, really pure, effective cosmetics and make-up brands. Brands that give back to the earth more than they take from it! Who are these women?

Barbara Bass | The Green Goddess

She really knows everything about cosmetics ingredients. As a young girl, she went into the woods with scissors and a basket to find ingredients for her own creams and hydrolates. Followed the training as a beautician to also improve the skin with treatments. Because she couldn't find the facial oil she was looking for, she developed her own The Green Goddess oil. And an accompanying toner in the form of a hydrolate.

Isabel Dumas | Ibiza Soften Age

After moving from the Netherlands to Ibiza in the early 2000s, beautician and phytotherapist Isabel Dumas noticed how beautiful and powerful indigenous plants and herbs grow on Ibiza. She had to deal with that. She researched the positive effect of these plants and herbs on different skin types and skin problems. And from that knowledge developed her Ibiza Soften Age face cream. After 10 years of development, she had the pure, powerful cream she had in mind. With the key ingredient: Poseidonia Oceanica extract. A sea plant full of wonderful active ingredients for the skin, which only grows in clean water.

Sarah Schwarz | Sarah Soleares

Nothing worked against Saar's daughter's rash. Until Saar's mother gave her an old family recipe based on beeswax. With that recipe as a basis, Saar set to work. After endless experimentation, Saar's Beeswax Salve was created. Within three weeks of using it, her daughter's rash cleared up. Saar's belief in the healing power of natural remedies was confirmed. A 100% natural sleep balm and cough balm followed. First only for Saar's family and for friends and acquaintances. With the current Saar Soleares line as a result. The basis for Saar's products are still age-old Mediterranean cosmetics recipes. That were passed down from generation to generation. Because they worked!

Anne de Mamiel | the Mamiel

Annee was one of the top three Australian triathletes in her teens. She had a successful job in the Finance sector. When two young people close to her died in quick succession and she was diagnosed with cancer in 1998, her life changed. She experienced the impact Chinese acupuncture and aromatherapy had on her healing process. And decided to study Chinese Medicine himself. She also completed a study in Aromatherapy, worked in the Hangzou hospital in China and followed cosmetic acupuncture courses with the gurus in this field. In London she started her own treatment practice. And developed her highly sought after Seasonal Attunement Treatments.

In her practice, she lacked a product line that could optimally support her treatments. The deMamiel Facial & Body range is Annee's answer to this. A line developed from her knowledge of Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapy and her practice as an acupuncturist and aromatherapist. A line that brings your body into balance and harmony. What you see in your face!

Maryll Marshall | Hynt Beauty

After battling a very aggressive form of breast cancer, Meryl Marshall started looking for makeup and skincare that she could be sure were safe, non-irritating and non-carcinogenic. To her disappointment, the pure lines lacked an aesthetic touch: no luxurious textures, rich pigments and beautiful packaging. Meryl decided to design her own line, with state-of-the-art natural formulas and a luxurious look. And it worked!

Power Women | Founders INDISHA Cosmetics brands

Miranda Bond I INIKA Organic

Because of her endometriosis - and related infertility, founder Miranda Bond decided to live a 'toxic-free' life. However, she could not find a natural make-up brand that met her quality, color range and performance requirements. So, with the help of experts, she developed a stylish, 100% natural make-up line of super quality; INIKA. It turns out that more people needed such a line! In the meantime, INIKA has been taken over and has grown into a global brand. And the first cosmetics brand in the world that is 100% plastic neutral (in terms of packaging, the products have of course never contained plastic!)

Priscilla Cheung, Allison Reedy | Klee Naturals

These two mothers of young ladies were looking for a healthy (play) make-up alternative, but couldn't find anything. They did not want to burden the even delicate skin of their children and that of girlfriends with whom they played with the synthetic, skin-unfriendly ingredients. But could not find suitable products anywhere. This was the beginning of Klee Naturals. With healthy (play) make-up products for small and older children. Made in the USA and not in China. To make sure that everything that goes into the products is really pure.

Elizabeth Sigmund | Dr. Hauschka

Elisabeth Sigmund (born in 1914!) has been fond of the theater since childhood. She sometimes assisted in directing both in Jena and in Stockholm. Many actors and dancers were part of her circle of friends. She developed the Sage Bath for the tired feet of the dancers. And as a beautician, she realized how stressed the skin of actors was, who were not exactly painted with the most skin-friendly products in the grime. In her own beauty salon in Stockholm, she developed a holistic beauty treatment and holistic cosmetics based on medicinal plants in 1950. Through her collaboration with WALA, which began in 1962, Dr Hauschka's cosmetics and make-up line was created.

Linda Bot | Loveli

After her mother was advised to stop using deodorants with aluminum because of breast cancer, Linda Bot - marketer from home - started looking for an alternative that worked. She couldn't find one. So she decided to do it herself. With the goal of making great, effective products that are natural and luxurious. She followed a Cosmetic Formulator course and started working with a team of experts. The first result: an aluminum-free deodorant that works and looks good. More products followed.

Nicholas Dickinson | Fresh Therapies

She had had enough of her brittle, weak, and dried-out nails. By, among other things, using nail polish removers based on petrochemical solvents. Moreover, she had never heard anyone enthusiastic about the smell of it. Beautician Nicola Dickinson thought this could be done differently. There had to be a solution for this. Fresh Therapies natural nail care was born.

Evelien van Zonneveld | Yard soap

Evelien got a dry, tight, burning skin from ordinary soap and shower gel. On which the skins sometimes depended. Years ago, when she worked on a Canadian farm where her own soap was made, it turned out that this soap not only made her skin clean but also super soft. This was a new discovery. Evelien dived into the world of soap; making soap, developing recipes, vegetable ingredients and their beneficial properties and, above all, the difference between vegetable and synthetic raw materials. Werfzeep (on the shipyards of Utrecht) was born.

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