Do you also have a magnesium deficiency?

In the store we now have magnesium supplements, magnesium oil and two types of magnesium salt. Why actually? In this blog more about what magnesium is, what function it has in your body, how a deficiency can arise, and how you can prevent or supplement a deficiency.

What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is an essential mineral for our body, just like zinc, calcium or iron. Half of our magnesium supply is in our bones. It is also called 'miracle mineral' or anti-stress mineral. We cannot produce magnesium ourselves.

Function of magnesium
Magnesium has a very important function in our body! It is involved in hundreds of bodily processes. Magnesium, for example, is responsible for the production of hormones, the construction of bones and muscles and the relaxation of nerves and muscles (hence the term 'anti-stress hormone'). It supports energy management and mental health, affects blood pressure, cholesterol levels, your blood sugar level and the functioning of your brain. 

Do you have a magnesium deficiency?
More than 60% of people in the Western world have a magnesium deficiency. In America, this even applies to 80% of adults. Do you suffer from one or more of the following complaints? Then it may well be that you also have a deficiency:

  • Stiff muscles, muscle tension, muscle cramps, muscle weakness
  • Lethargy, lethargy, (chronic) fatigue
  • Tics, spasm, eyelid twitch
  • Headache, migraine, cluster headache
  • Cold feet or hands
  • Dizziness
  • Restlessness, concentration problems, ADHD
  • Menstrual pain, PMS
  • Irritable, easily irritated
  • Fears, phobias, (postnatal) depression
  • Hard stomach, restless legs, muscle cramps during pregnancy
  • Digestive/intestinal problems, stomach cramps
  • Hyperventilation, asthmatic complaints
  • Too low or high blood pressure
  • Backache
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Palpitations
  • Great need for chocolate (cocoa contains a lot of magnesium)

If you want to know for sure whether you have a magnesium deficiency, have a blood + cell value (bone tissue) test done. After all, half of our magnesium supply is in our bones. A blood test alone doesn't tell much.

      How much do you need daily?
      Women need approximately 250-300 milligrams of magnesium and men 300-350 milligrams of magnesium daily. Do you exercise a lot, do heavy physical work, are you pregnant, breastfeeding, are you going through the menopause, are you under stress, do you eat a lot of refined foods, sugar, coffee, black tea or soft drinks, do you drink more than 7 alcoholic drinks? per week, do you use medicines such as the pill, antacids, asthma medication, or diuretics, have you just had an operation? Then you consume extra magnesium or excrete more magnesium and you need extra. An imbalance in your endocrine system can also cause a deficiency. Moreover, our (agricultural) soil has become so impoverished due to the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides that foodstuffs contain less magnesium than before.

      In the case of a magnesium deficiency, 400 milligrams per day is recommended.

      Is an excess of magnesium possible?
      Not quickly with our current diet and lifestyle. If you use too much magnesium (supplements), this will cause loose stools or diarrhea.

      Prevent or supplement a deficiency
      You can prevent or reduce a magnesium deficiency through good nutrition and good stress management. You can also supplement your magnesium level with supplements, bath salts or magnesium oil. Pure magnesium cannot be absorbed by your body. It needs an adjuvant to get to the right place. Magnesium citrate, magnesium chloride and magnesium glyserophosphate are three forms of easily absorbable magnesium.

      Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), magnesium chloride flakes are good bath salts. Epsom salt to relax your muscles. Magnesium chloride flakes also to supplement deficiencies. The advantage of salt or oil is that it is a very pure form (without additives to form tablets) and can be used directly by your body. The stomach - necessary for the processing of magnesium tablets - can only process a small amount of magnesium at a time. And is so ignored.

      Do you know
      The most famous source of magnesium chloride is the Zechstein source in Veenendaal. There, 250 million years old, very pure magnesium chloride is extracted from a depth of 1600 meters

      Magnesium-rich foods
      Foods high in magnesium:

      • Green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, beet leaves, peas
      • Beetroot, asparagus, avocado
      • Banana (52 mg magnesium in a medium banana)
      • Raw unroasted nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, walnuts (1 handful of Brazil nuts contains 65 mg magnesium, for example)
      • Kernels and seeds such as pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds
      • Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas (155 mg magnesium in 175 g cooked chickpeas), white beans
      • Brown rice, quinoa
      • Fish such as wild salmon, mackerel and coalfish
      • Raw cocoa

      Sources, health square, health net, Jesse van der Velde, Metagenics, WestLab